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教学设计 高一英语Lesson 59教学设计方案

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-20)教学教案168

Step I Watching the video
Step II Listening and answer
  1)What opened on Wang Fujing Street in 1992?

  2) Why do many Westerners die at an early age from heart illnesses?

Key: 1) A new hamburger restaurant opened on Wang Fujing Street in 1992.

  2) Because they always eat food that is high in fat, sugar and salt.

Step III Language points:

Go through the text words, explain any difficult language points.

  1.scores of people: a lot of people

  2.not good value for money: not worth the high price

  3.are high in fat :contain a large a mount of fat

  4.weight problems : become too heavy

  5. eight pieces of sugar: sugar here means cube sugar

  6. Coca Cola: the brand name of one kind of cola.

Step IV Practice

  Lesson 59,Part2, Do the first part with the whole CLASs. Ask them to go back to the two passages again if they have difficulty giving you the answers:

  Which food you think is healthy and which is unhealthy?

Hamburger/fruit /Coca Cola/chocolate/ peas/cakes/cream/cabbage/nuts/fried cakes.

Healthy foods: fruit, peas, cabbage, nuts.

Unhealthy foods: hamburger, Coca Cola, chocolate, cakes, cream.

Do an example of the dialogue with the whole CLASs, then let the Ss work in pairs. Get some pairs to act out their dialogue.

Step V Discussion

Lesson 59 Part3.Revise the language of discussions first: What do you think? In my opinion….; I agree/don’t agree, etc. Then let the Ss work in pairs. Finally hold a CLASs discussion. For example:

A: Why do people go to hamburger restaurants?

B: In my opinion. You can eat something quickly.

A: I agree.

Step VI Homework
  Finish the Workbook exercises.

  Combine with Lesson 58 and Lesson 59, ask the Ss to retell them





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