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教学设计 高一英语Lesson 91教学设计方案

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-20)教学教案158


Teaching Aims:

  1. Get the Ss to master the expressions of description.

  2. Get the Ss to make a similar passage by using the phrases they have learned.

Teaching procedures:

Step I Revision

  1. Check their homework.

  2. Do the exercise in the ppt to revise the expressions of description.

Step II Presentation

  1.ask the Ss to read the text one by one, if one makes a mistake ,then he should sit down and another one will go on reading.

  2.If possible , we can stop and deal with the language points.

Step III Practice

  Ask the Ss to pick out the main phrases in this unit and help them to make one sentence by using each phrase.


  feel like doing: He doesn’t feel like walking very much that day.

  a place of interest: There are many places of interest in Xi’an.

  in danger: The doctor said that the patient was in great danger and they decided to operate on him at once.

  date from: My interest in stamp collecting dates from schooldays.

  flood: He received a flood of letters this morning.

  face: Our house faces the park.

  figure: The wall was covered with figures of birds and flowers.

Step IV Writing

  要求:尽可能多用已学过的词组或句型. (如果是第一次做这样的练习, 建议老师领着学生做,熟练之后可以放手,并要求学生可以适当发挥)


  Last summer there was a flood in my hometown. Many houses fell down when the flood came and more houses were in danger. But the people were not afraid. They tried their best to rebuild the town. Now many new houses have appeared and they look much better than the old ones. Our house, too , was destroyed by the flood. But now we have a new and a much bigger one. Our old house faced north and it was cold in winter, hot in summer. Things are quite different now. Our new house, which faces south, is pleasant and comfortable.

Step VI Homework

  1.If we have no time to do the writing above in CLASs, we can leave it as homework

  2.Do the Ex 2 on P 88.





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