英语教案 2022届高三英语精品复习资料:英语听力
测试要点:1理解主旨和大意。2获取事实性的具体信息,如时间 地点 人物等。3简单推断说话背景、人物关系等。4理解说话人的意图、观点或态度。
(5)多数英语试题仍然是采用9个对话 (5个短对话,4个长对话),1个独白。而XX年新课标广东卷4个对话、2个独白。一个独白是信息试题—听独白(完成5道填写试题),从中获取必要的信息,填写图表。上海试题中也有信息试题。听完后填写7道题。
3.听力试题采用设问的形式 几乎全是特殊疑问句,疑问包括 what where how ;how much ;how often ;how many why who (when ;how old ;how long ;how soon 等)
(1) 第一节 5个简单的对话,只听一遍。句意的快速反应能力和理解能力
(2) 第二节 4个比较长的对话 一个独白短文。听两遍 考查整体理解力、对细节的归纳综合能力和判断推理能力
1 理解主旨和大意:
what is the speaker talking about ?
news reports. b.using expressions c. language learning
答案:c 解析:根据第一句主题句,可以判断本段主题是语言学习。
now i`d like to tell you something about my language learning.ok, firs of all, i place myself in the language, the language that i want to learn.uh, for example, i watch a film in that language, which forces me to learn words and expressions.uh,you can watch tv news reports, or listen to the radio reports.you know, anything is really helpful as long as you can hear the language regularly.
next, i keep a situation notebook.for example, in a restaurant, you use a certain word or an expression over and over again.so if you can remember just a particular one in each situation, you can immediately speak that language and have more trust in your ability.in this way you can get more out of learning the language, i think.
2获取事实性的具体信息,如时间 地点 人物等。