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英语教案 七年级英语In the park教案

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-06)教学教案123

七年级英语in the park教案
starter unit 6: in the park
content: starter unit 6: in the park
teaching aims and demands:
1. be able to use the prepositions of place correctly.
2. to learn how to describe the position of somebody.
3. to protect the environment around us, try your best to keep it tidy and beautiful.
key points:
1. the prepositions of place .
2. how to use ‘where’ to ask questions about the place.
3. the activities and the things in the park.
4. the positive and negation imperative sentence
difficult points:
1. the prepositions of place .
2. how to use ‘where’ to ask questions about the place.
3. the activities and the things in the park.
4. the positive and negation imperative sentence
teaching aids:
a toy , two boxes and some photos
teaching methods:
activity-base teaching method & comminucation method.
teaching procedures:
1. check the homework, ask the best group to describe their places, and the others try to draw down the picture, lead in how to describe the place of things.
2. ask one student to do some actions with a toy and two boxes, the others spell the prepositions of place. eg, under, in front of …..
then say the phrases of preposition. eg, between the boxes, on the toy…
at last, say the whole sentence. eg, the toy is in the box.
3. show a picture of haixi park, ask ss to say out the things in it and describe their place. pay attention to the using of the phrases of preposition.
t: look, what’s it/ what are they?s: it’s a cat.
t: is it in the tree?s: no, it isn’t. it’s ….
t: is there a lake in haixi park?s: yes, there is.
t: really? i can’t see. where is it ?
s: it’s ….
express the usage of ‘where’: we use ‘where’ to ask questions about place.
 t: oh, i see it, how beautiful. don’t swim in the lake, it’s too dangerous.
 s: i see. there are many flowers around it.
 t: don’t pick the flowers too.
review the positive and negation imperative sentence. let ss protect the environment around us and keep it tidy and beautiful.
1. look at the picture to make dialogues in pairs.
2. make dialogues in pairs by using your own things, to practice ‘where be’ and sb + be + place pattern.
3. sing a song :‘where are they’.(like ‘two tigers’)
1. write down the place of you and your best friends now.(in the classroom)
2. listen to the passage, draw the picture.
there is a new park near andy’s home. beside the gate, there is a big lake. there are many flowers and trees around the lake. there’s a small hill behind the lake. there is a beautiful garden in the middle of the park. there is green grass and beautiful flowers in it. there are some small shops between the lake and the garden. the park is so nice. andy and his family like it very much.共3页,当前第1页123





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