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教学设计 Lesson 9 教学设计

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-20)教学教案150

Advance preparation
See required materials listed below for the game in today's student book section.
Give the standard greeting to welcome students to English clASs.
Announce that today the clASs is beginning a new unit of English lessons. Does anybody remember what this unit is about Remind students that you discussed this at the end of the last lesson.
Speak English
Remember, use as much English as possible in your clASses. When you observe your students, you have an excellent opportunity to talk to them individually in English to make requests and offer friendly assistance.
Give the standard command for students to take out their student books.
Draw the students' attention to the illustrations in the student book. Can anyone in the clASs guess what today's lesson will be about
1. At the market
Give the "listen" command. The audiotape will repeat each sentence. Ask the students to listen the first time, then say the words along with the audiotape the second time. The audiotape says:
[Li Ming]
Look! We can buy food at this market.
Look! We can buy food at this market.
I see fish and meat.
I see fish and meat.
[Li Ming]
I see vegetables and fruit.
I see vegetables and fruit.
I see lots of good food.
I see lots of good food.
Take a moment to check the students' comprehension. See if everyone can identify the mastery vocabulary words in the illustrations: fish, chicken, meat, fruit, vegetables and food.
2. What do you like
Give the "listen" command. The audiotape will repeat each sentence. Ask the students to listen the first time, then say the words along with the audiotape the second time, The audiotape says:
[Li Ming]
What do you like What do you like
I like fruit. I like fruit.
I like chicken. I like chicken.
Have a brief clASs discussion. Does everyone understand the meaning of like Translate if necessary. Ask a few students "What do you like " and encourage them to respond with a favorite food, using the structure "I like ."
3. Let's play a game.
Game: Draw and Match
Required materials
large vocabulary cards with words that students have learned so far, emphasizing the new words in this level Note: In this game, the students draw pictures to illustrate words and phrases.
Choose vocabulary words that will be relatively easy to draw.
This game is an effective way of reinforcing comprehension and reviewing vocabulary.
You will need a stopwatch, watch or clock with a second hand, and a large container such as a box or hat. Spread out the vocabulary cards, face up, on top of a large desk or table.

Divide the cLaSS into two teams. Appoint someone as the timekeeper. Team 1 chooses two players who go to the front of the room. Player 1 takes a vocabulary card from the container. This player must try to show, through drawing only, what it says on this vocabulary card. He or she may not say anything, point to anything, write anything, or provide a clue in any way other than drawing.
By looking at the drawing, Player 2 tries to match the word or phrase with a vocabulary card. Team 2 must remain quiet!
The timekeeper keeps track Of how many seconds it takes Team 1 to match the word or phrase. The maximum time allowed is two minutes. When the team correctly matches the word or phrase, record this time on the blackboard. If a team uses up the maximum time without matching correctly, their recorded time will be two minutes.
Next Team 2 sends two players to the front of the cLaSSroom to choose a vocabulary card and draw and match the word or phrase. Play as many rounds of this game as you wish. The team with the least total time at the end of the game wins.
Give the standard command for students to take out their activity books.
PAGE 18. Listen and circle. Circle the words. The students listen to the audiotape and repeat the words, then circle the words on the right that match the words in the column on the left. They also complete the sentence at the bottom of the page.共2页,当前第1页12





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