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教学设计 高一英语Lesson 58 教学设计方案

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-20)教学教案136

Teaching Aims:

  1.Learn knowledge of healthy foods.

  2.Learn some new words: diet contain, fat, fibre, energy, calorie, be rich in, put on weight, crisp, chocolate, soft drink, grape, quiz,

Teaching procedures:

Step I Watch the videoStep II Lead in  Draw Chinese food and western food. Get the Ss to give you the names in English of as many types of Chinese and Western food as they know .do a quick survey to find out the Ss’ favourite food, e.g.

  Who likes jiaozi/cake/ chicken/ chocolate/ice cream/noodles best of all?

 Step III Listening

  1) According to this passage, what should healthy food contain? 2) Why do many western people have bad teeth?

Key: 1) Healthy food should contain some fat, some fibre, a little salt and so on. 2) Because they eat a lot of sugar in the form of cakes, soft drinks, sweets and so on.

Step IV Reading

Choose True or False

  1)The foods that people eat should contain some fibre, a little salt but no fat.

  2)  People need energy to live and the energy comes from the food they eat.

  3) The energy is measured by kilos.

  4)  When you are sleeping, you're not using energy.

  5) The Chinese diet is considered to be rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat.

  6) The Chinese eat more sugar than many other countries in the world.

  7) People in the western world lose weight very easily because of their diet.

  8)From the text we know that both the Chinese diet and the western diet are healthy ones.

Key: 1) False2) True 3) False 4) False 5) True 6) False 7) False 8) False

Step V Language points

Go through the text and then explain any difficult language points.

Fibre: the texture of foods that helps us with our digestion

take exercise: walking, running and other physical activity

put on weight : become heavier and fatter

potato crisps: small pieces of fried potato

soft drinks : e.g. cola, fizzy orange

burning up calories: using calories

Step VI Quiz

Lesson 58, Part 2. Let the Ss work in small groups to work out the answers. If you wish, get the Ss to discuss the answers in English, using phrases such as I think ….What do you think? I agree/ don’t agree.

1.Which of the following foods contain the most energy?

1.butter; 2. ice cream; 3. chocolate; 4. cream; 5. duck; 6. rice; 7. chicken; 8. eggs; 9.peach

2. Which of these foods contains more


Step VII Discussion

Let the Ss discuss which country food is healthier, the Chinese food or Western food?

Chinese food: a lot of fruit and green vegetables, rich in fibre, low in sugar

Western food: too much fat (meat, potato crisps/ chips, butter, cream and chocolate…),too much sugar (cakes, soft drinks, sweets…)

Step VIII Examination

Fill in the blanks with proper words

  The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It _______a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is ________in fibre and ___________in sugar and fat. However, people in the Western world ___________too much fat and sugar and don’t __________enough exercise. Because ___________this, they __________on weight very easily. Many people in the Western countries are __________ and some have bad __________.

Keys: contains, rich, low, do not eat, take, of, put, fat, teeth StepⅨ Homework

  1.Finish the Workbook exercises.

  2.Preparation the next Lesson 59.





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