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教学设计 Lesson 7教学设计

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-20)教学教案167

Lesson 7教学设计 (教师用书)
Advance preparation
Prepare for today's lesson by displaying the numbers from one to fifteen either on the blackboard or on a large chart.
Give the standard greeting to welcome students to English cLASS.
Draw the students attention to your chart of numbers. Can anyone in the cLASS guess what today's lesson will be about
Give the standard command for students to take out their student books.
Give the "listen" command. Ask the students to say the words along with the audiotape. For the first five lines, instruct students to point to the accompanying picture in the student book. The audiotape says:
Eleven. Eleven pencils.
Twelve. Twelve markers.
Thirteen. Thirteen pens.
Fourteen. Fourteen erasers.
Fifteen. Fifteen rulers.
One, two, three, four, five.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen!
One, two, three, four, five.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen!
Give the standard command for students to take out their activity books.
PAGE 14. Listen. Colour the picture! Draw your own. Students colour the butterfly as instructed by the audiotape. This type of art is called "colour by number." Sometimes people do big complex paintings this way (which is called "paint by number"). If students finish quickly, they may try creating their own colour-by-number picture for a friend to complete. Instruct students to first create a key for the illustration by colouring the numbers in the bar at the bottom of the page. Then they can find each number in the illustration and match its colour to the key. Give the "listen" command, then play the audiotape. The audiotape says:
Eleven. Blue.
Twelve. Green.
Thirteen. Red.
Fourteen. Purple.
Fifteen. Yellow.
PAGE 1S. Connect the dots! Colour. Working from one to fifteen, students draw lines between the numbers to connect the dots and create a picture. If they have connected the dots in the correct numerical sequence, they will have created a sailboat!
Count: I to 15
Required materials
Numbers chart or blackboard display
Sets of cLASSroom objects, books or other materials, or a chart or blackboard display of objects, arranged in quantities from 11 to 15.
Today's activity reviews the numbers from one to ten, and reinforces learning of this lesson's vocabulary: the numbers from eleven to fifteen.
Using your displays of objects, lead the cLASS in counting the items aloud.

Repeat, this time with a volunteer leading the count. Repeat with new volunteers as many times as you wish.
Allow time before the CLASs ends for students to "number off." Have the CLASs count together, in English, from one to ten. Then one by one individual students will each say one number counting from eleven to fifteen, proceeding in order (down the rows or whichever order you designate). For example, the first student in the row would say "eleven," the second student would say "twelve," the third student would say "thirteen," and so on. After the fifth student says "fifteen," the sixth student begins at eleven again. Continue until all students have a number. Tell them that they must remember their numbers.
When today's CLASs is over, have the students file out by number. You might say "Now all students with the number eleven may leave," and then move on to another number until all students have been permitted to leave the CLASsroom.
As each group of students leaves the room, say "Good-bye."





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