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英语教案 高三英语nothing ventured nothing gained教案

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-06)教学教案139

unit 1
nothing ventured  nothing gained
             period 1& 2 reading comprehension (intensive reading1)
teaching goals:
i. emotional learning:
1) ss should get to know the thorough meaning of the saying “ no pains, no ganis”. meanwhile, put their effort into the practice of pusuiting high goal and a further success in life.
2) to relate the ss to teacher to cooperate with each other then form a reletively harmoney and fair atmosphere in class over learning period.
ii. teaching important points:
1) to inspire the ss to be involved in the hot topic of “ championship in life” and lead the ss to follow the examples of the heroes in guiness record.
2) above all, ss’s reading comprehension is based on their familarity with the expressions and the usage of the words. thus, teaching the words and expressions is a task before the reading activity and after readhing.
iii. teaching difficulty:
1) how to use the expressions and how to consolide the knowledge after reading.
2) how to help the ss to read smoothly while reading period and dig out the indicated theme of the text.
teaching procedures:
step i . warming up
do you know “不入虎穴,焉得虎子” in chinese?
how can we say the same meaning in english?
nothing brave, nothing have. 
nothing seek, nothing find. 
nothing stake, nothing draw. 
nothing venture, nothing win (or have or gain).  
nothing crave, nothing have.
sow nothing, reap nothing.
he who risks nothing, gains nothing.
he who risks nothing gains nothing. 
if you venture nothing, you will have nothing.
read and listen to the three stories on p1. and try to think out the characters they have in common. what do you think helped them out and achieved success in life?
king bruce is watching the spider weaving its web.
robert bruce, leader of the scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a hole on a hill from the english. he watched a spider (蜘蛛) making a web. bruce is said to have got confidence from this and to have gone on to beat the english.
anne sullivan is teaching helen keller by feeling or touching.
helen keller, born a normal little girl, but at the age of 19 months  became iii and lost her hearing and her sight. she and her family was in despair until they met anne sullivan. her work with helen was very successful. after college, helen gave lecture tours speaking about her experiences and her beliefs. they worked very hard to raise money, to encourage people to educate blind and deaf children.  共14页,当前第1页1234567891011121314





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