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英语教案 Unit 3 Back to the past学案

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-06)教学教案122

高一英语学案:unit 3 back to the past(牛津译林版必修3)
一. 单词应用
1.both pompeii and loulan became lost c______________(文明) about 2,000 years ago.
2. it continued to erupt for the next three days. u_______________, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city.
3.so in 1860, the italian archaeologist giuseppe fiorelli was made d___________ ( 负责人)of the pompeii dig.
4. tomorrow we are off to naples to visit the museum that h__________ many of the treasures from pompeii.
5. it’s hard to imagine how this quiet volcano d_____________ the whole city!
6.this small, wealthy _______________ (商业的)city existed almost 2,000 years ago.
7.an archaeologist from the local ______________ (文化的) institute, professor zhang told us this.
8. the desert was once a green land with e___________ trees, but even that didn’t prevent the city from being _________ by sand--- what a pity!
9. during these years i have had the chance to explore many different places in china and t______________ the world.
10. we went through a 10-meter-long p____________ and we found ourselves in a large burial chamber.
11. most of them were in good c____________.
12.jack is a concerned c__________(市民).
13. the next day, us president franklin roosevelt d______________ war against japan.
14.there is another _____________ (相似点) between china and rome.
15.fifteen years later the qin dynasty was ______________ (推翻).
1. major adj. →__________n.         2. wealthy adj.→__________n.
3. commercial adj.→__________n.        4. heat n.→_________v.→_________adj.
5. unite v. →_____________adj.          6. concerned adj._________n./v.___________ prep.
7. faithfully adv. _________adj. →______n. 8. condition n.→__________adj.
9.cultural adj. →__________n.         10. explode vi. _______n.________adj.
三. 补全佳句
1. the book had a great effect on his life. the book  _____________ his life greatly.
2. they didn’t tell me the location. they didn’t show me the map, either.
they ___________ told me the location ________ showed me the map.
3. some people tried to escape, some people stayed in their houses.
  people ___________ tried to escape _______ stayed in their houses.
4. it worries the tourists. it keeps raining.
  ______ ______ ________ _________ ________ the tourists.共4页,当前第1页1234





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