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英语教案 Unit 8 Sports

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-06)教学教案144

         unit 8 sports
1) talk about sports
2) talk about the olympic games
3) learn some expressions about interests and hobbies.
4) use the future passive voice
5) write a sports star’s profile
ⅱ importance
1) learn the following words and expressions athlete, medal, torch , badminton, track and field, competitor, stand for, because of, would rather, take part, in preparation for
2) reading
learn about “the olympic games”, read the passage and answer some questions, try to retell the passage.
ⅲ difficulties
1) grammar:  the future passive voice: “ will/shall +be +p.p”
2) write a sports star’s profile.
ⅳ time:   five periods
ⅴ methods
1) talk about sports
2) talk about the olympic games
3) give some pictures about the olympic games to the students.
4) divide the ss into groups and ask them to discuss freely, according to the following question:  which sport event(s) do you like to watch most? why ? is it important to win in a sports match?
5) learn more about the olympic games
ⅵ teaching process.

the first period
1) talk about the olympic games
2) listen to the sports reports.
ⅱ importance
1) warming up: talking and understanding the olympic games and discuss some questions
2) listening: listen to the sports reports and understand all kinds of sports.
ⅲ difficulties:
1) when and where…
2) how many times…
3) what sports were they playing…
ⅳ teaching process:
step one: warming up.
ask the ss about the olympic games and let them discuss in pairs. ask the ss to tell sth about the olympic games in their own words. introduce the olympic games to the ss.  complete the exercises in the “ warming up”
step two: listening:
introduction: the listening consists of three sports reports and it tells us three kinds of sports.
1. ask the ss two questions: do you like sports? what sports do you know?
2. tell the ss they will listen to three kinds of sports they like in their daily lives.
3. the first time ask the ss only to listen and not to take any notes. for the second time write down they key words and the questions i full sentences.
step three: practice in class.
listen to the three sports reports and fill in the blanks.
ⅴ homework:
1) read new words and expressions
2) do the exercise 2 . talking
ⅵ design of writing:
unit 8 sports
warming up:
1) the olympic games is about…
2) how many sports do you know in the olympic games?共4页,当前第1页1234





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