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英语教案 三年级英语Unit 2 It’s a black dog导学案

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-06)教学教案130




module 4 第二课时

unit 2 it’s a black dog.

标1. 知识目标   words:  dog   cat   cap    sentences:  it’s a black dog.   it’s a red cat.   it’s a yellow cap.2. 技能目标   describe color of some objects. 描述物体的颜色





重点:描述带颜色的物体。难点:用句型:“it’s a …”描述带有颜色的物体。突破措施:用图片、道具等直观教具出示颜色,用小组活动的方式完成语言练习。



彩笔  学生自制的有色图片  录音机   ppt课件



案一、i know the words: 我认识下面的单词    dog   cat   cap   二、i can say the sentences:我会说下面类似的句子    it’s a black dog.   it’s a red cat.   it’s a yellow cap. 三、make cards and color it.制作卡片并涂上颜色四、i can introduce the color of simple objects.我会描述简单物体的颜色。



流一、warm up1. greeting.2. look and say. 据图片颜色唱韵诗。  the teacher take out the color cards and the students chant together.   eg: red  red  red  it’s red.二、lead in1. look at the picture and say what it is? what color is it?  eg: what’s this?ss: dog         t: what color is it?   ss: red.   t: yeah, it’s red. it’s a red dog.2. today let’s learn unit2: it’s a black dog.三、text teaching1. listening.listen and point.listen again and find the difficult pointslisten and repeat.2. read in your group and talk about the difficult points.3. show your work results.  ask some group to say the main idea of the text. then ask some groups to read the text. 学生展示小组合作学习结果,老师及时纠正评价。4. practise.  take out your cards and disscuss their color, using “it’s a black/red/blue/yellow/black…”5. learn the song: a rainbow6. chant together: bob bob bob is an orange dog.四、exercise五、sum up words: dog   cat   cap   sentence: it’s a black dog.六、homework    sing the song after class to your desk mate.七、blackboard design1. words: cat   dog   cap2. sentences: it’s a red/blue/yellow/green/black dog.3. exercise: read color and match                 1. it’s a blue bird.                 2. it’s a yellow cat.共2页,当前第1页12





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