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英语教案 牛津英语1B Unit 3 Colour(oxford 1B)教案

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-05)教学教案169

unit 3    colour


unit 3
language focus:  using imperatives to give simple instruction
eg.colour the kites
listening:       locate specific information in respire to simple instructions.
speaking:       1. use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
2. maintain an interaction by providing information.
materials:       1. eight cragons. (red blue, yeallow, green, pink, purple, brown, orange)
2.a piece of paper some thread and glue for each student.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. t:let’s have on english class, ok.
s:act act. talk talk.
   learn learn. play play.
   let’s enjoy.
2. greeting.         
ⅱ.  pre-task preparetion
1. hold up a set of line drawing pictures of small aninals and count with the class.
t & s:1~10
2. stick the pictures on the board.
t:what do you see?
s:i see a ……
(frog, rabbit, butterfly, bee, bird……)
3. colour the picture of a frog with the green crayon.
t:colout the frog.
t:(point to the coloured picture)
look, it’s green.
it’s a green frog.
   follow me.
4. incite individual students to colour the rest of the pictures each with a different crage.
practise the structures
“colour ……” and “it’s ……(cdour)
it’s a ……(cdour) ……(aninal)”
and teach the other seven colours.
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. stick another set of picture on the board. play a chain game. invite three students   to come to the front. ask the first one to give instructine.
eg: colour the butterfly.
   and the next colour the picture.
   the last one should say.
   look, it’s …… it’s a……
2. continue the game with other groups until all the pictures are coloured.
3. t:pick out the green froy. (then do it)
t:do it after me.
4. repeat steps with other coloured pictures on the board. incite pair of students to the front, one giving the instructions and the other picking out the correct pictures.
5. t:make a kite
(pemonstrate to the class how to make a simple kite using paper, thread and glue.)
repeat: make a kite.
do group work.
6. open the books.
listen to the tape.
ⅳ.  post-task activity
    make a dite and colour it.

let’s talk
language focus: 
1. asking yes/no questions to obtain a simple response.共4页,当前第1页1234





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