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教学设计 高中一年级英语Lesson 79 教学设计方案

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Lesson 79 教学设计方案 - 高中一年级英语教案

Lesson 79 教学设计方案

Teaching Aims
  1.Let the students know printing with separate characters and color printing.
  2.Revise the Passive Voice.
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Revision
  Spend a few moments revising the Passive Voice. Give some examples, eg.g. write some words on the Bb and say, I have written some words on the blackboard.
  Some words have been written on the Bb.
Step 2 Writing  
  Do Lesson 79 Part 1. orally with the whole claSs, then let the Ss work alone, writing the answers in their books.
  Fill in the blanks by using the given words.
Step3 Summary to the text  

Summary to the text

  As a result of the invention of paper, much is known about China history. However, in other parts of the world, much of the history is completely unknown. The Chinese people used different kinds of ways to keep records. Then they began to write on a kind of paper made from silk - But it was too expensive . So people developed a kind of paper, made from the fibers of plants, which was as soft and light as silk but cheaper. By the first century the making of paper had become common in some parts of China and after a time the invention reached other countries.
Step 4 Practise
  Do the exercises on page 23 and those in the workbook.
Step 5 Exercises
  believe, print, form, invent, include, develop, describe, come out, throw away, keep a record of
  1. The magazine _________ once a week.
  2. Try to  ______ exactly what happened just before the accident.
  3. Eggs __________ on the list of things to buy when I went shopping yesterday.
  4. When she had claSses she used to _____________ everything that was important.
  5. The mark of a man s shoe is clearly __________ in the snow.
  6. I found my advice ________ upon him.
  7. It ________ that before writing was developed people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.
  8. The telephone _______ in 1876.
  9. A plan began _________ in his mind.
  10. It is not so easy for a _________ country to improve the living conditions of its people.
  1. The work ________________. (必须在三天之内完成)
  2. Much trouble_________________.(正对你造成影响)
  3. The thieves had __________________ down a narrow street from which he could not escape. (被警察困住)
  4. He asked _________________. (机场一带的战斗持续了多久)
  5. He asked Sharon _________________. (大夫什么时候给她检查)
  6. They wondered_________________. (这个城市的人口是不是在增加)
  7. The red car, __________________, was badly damaged. (属于我们公司的)

  8. That's the very book _________________. (你可以在那儿找到正确答案)
  9. I don’t think the westerner, _________________, comes from Canada. (他的节目受到欢迎)
  10. The forest fire _________________, but the firefighters still can't control it. (持续了四天)

  1. comes out                                 6. was thrown away
  2. describe                                  7. is believed
  3. were included                             8. was invented
  4. keep a record of                           9. to form
  5. printed                                  10. developing共2页,当前第1页12





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