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教学设计 Lesson 103 教学设计方案

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教学设计示例 Lesson 103 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  1. Read the second part of the text “An Interesting Life” Get the students to know Bob Geldof’s next project.

  2. How to use model verbs.

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1. Revision

  Ask some questions of Lesson 102.

  Step 2 Watch the video


  When were the pop concerts held and how many people watched the programme?

  Key: The pop concerts were held on July 13th 1985 and about 1. 5 billion people in 160 countries watched the programme.

  Step 3 Reading

  Read the second part quickly and answered the following questions:

  1. What was Bob Geldof’s next project?

  2. What did Bob ask the airlines to do?

  3. How much money did he collect at last?

  4. Where was the money sent?

  1.He had the idea of organizing two big pop conceits on the same day.

  2.He asked all the airlines to fly the pop stars for free.

  3.Over 92 million dollars.


  Step 4 Language study

  Read the text again. Find out the useful expression's and phrases:

  1. persuade somebody to do something

  2. provide something to somebody

  3. non-stop TV time

  4. a further 7 million dollars

  5. the total money collected

  6. at the concert

  Step 5 Speaking

  Say something about the second project of Bob Geldof—two big concerts:

  Place of the two concerts

  One is in


  The other is in


  Who will go and sing at the concerts?


  Who will go and sing at the concerts?


  Who would they go there?


  What would BBC do?


  When were the concerts held?


  How many people watched the programme?


  How much money was collected from the two concerts?


  Step 6 Practise

  1.Review the use of model verbs.

  2.Do Ex.2 on Page 106. Check the answers in ClASS.

  Step 7. Homework

  1.Retell Lesson 102 and Lesson 103.

  2.Finish off Workbook exercises.





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