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节日日记 圣诞节英文日记有哪些

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-19)优秀作文186



  Christmas has arrived, and Santa Claus brings a lot of gifts and is full of the whole Christmas tree. The little animals saw it and all came to take them. Soon, take away all the Christmas tree gift, only the cat did not get.

  He came home crying, and his mother asked him what happened. The cat told her mother, and he said, "you didn't send a letter to Santa, so there was no gift. Mom had a gift here as Santa Claus gave it to you."

  The cat took a look, was his favorite fish, and he said, "I must send a letter to Santa Claus next year."

  In the second year, the cat sent a letter to Santa Claus to say what he wanted, and Santa really hung his gift on the tree. The cat saw a great pleasure.


  Today is December 24th. Today, there is an activity. I have arranged for Zhang Xingyi to take it. We are looking forward to the moon, the stars, the moon and the stars. I am going out with Zhang Xingyi and my parents.

  Soon, we arrived, we immediately find a blind man touched the nose, Zhang Xingyi and I, when I come to the blind, she told me how to go, we had N long, a teacher to help me blindfolded, ah! All of a sudden, all black, but the teacher did I saw her. We don't know, I didn't say, I turned three times, I look straight away, the paste the nose, I feel, huh? How is flat? I hear, but Zhang Xingyi also told me with a little, I listen to immediately put. Seat, yeah! I put the secret I have been quasi.

  Then we played the Pirates of the Caribbean, a child and an adult, and my father's left foot tied with a stick with a stick on his right foot. Dad held me, my heel moved, Yes! We won.

  We played... We had to leave, comes to an end, from the "Happy Valley".


  Today is Christmas day, and my father said to me, "if you fall asleep tonight, maybe Santa Claus will put the gift next to your pillow when you see it. I fell asleep, I pretended to be asleep, and I opened an eye to see if Santa had to send a gift. After a while, I was really asleep, dreaming of Santa Claus, sneak in, put the gift next to my pillow, and left. I think Santa is going to give gifts to the other kids. I woke up in the morning and saw a gift next to the pillow. It's a lovely music doll. If I touch it, I will sing. I am so happy in my heart that Christmas will never end, and Santa will never leave us.

  I'll remember this day in December 24th.





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