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英语日记 二年级暑假英语日记

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-18)优秀作文150



  This year's summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear.

  I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed interest in English. They could read write wellthey could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very needed in the countryside.


  As the saying goes, "father's love is like mountains, and mother's love is like water."". But I think, fatherly love is like a chocolate, bitter sweet, sweet bitter.

  In the summer of three, Dad announced, "practice a page of English every day."." I listened, thinking: "summer work plus a page of English, too simple."! The second day, summer vacation. I finished my summer homework, and I took one page of English without difficulty. In the evening, my father said: "no, the handwriting is too faiwan. Must be straight, or else double." I had to copy it again.

  Day after day, I find it increasingly boring to copy english. One day I copied it and thought, "really, why should I be asked to copy such dull English?" Review? Just read it, and you don't have to copy it. I thought, my hands relaxed. As a result, the words of that day were written like worms. "Why is it written like this?" Write one more page!" Dad said, put the book in front of me a share, and left. My tears fell on the "pit", a book. I am very dissatisfied with my heart: why should I be so fierce? It's just that it's hard to write. But to think of it, I wrote a page again. Dad nodded with satisfaction and said, "look, these words are beautifully written."." I nodded and said, "well..." My tears faded away.

  In the twinkling of an eye opening. Unexpectedly, she said that the first time I give MISS the copy number of the king, "your English word how to write so good?" It was then that I realized that dad didn't want to increase my homework, but wanted to make my writing better by copying it!

  Fatherly love is like a chocolate, slowly melts in my heart, makes me memorable.


  The morning of the study most of the time from the beginning of the 9, reading English articles accumulate good sentence, this is part of a summer job, next is the first tutorial learning geography, reading, doing mostly blank synchronous exercises, Cong do attentively, enter the state will take some time, especially easily distracted, a lot of small movements, pencil, play the play it, it is really a lot, want long time efficient, really not easy. I write notes and tutorial sharing six days morning time, certainly not the whole morning, but time-consuming enough, I have the test of synchronous blank period, I said more than 95 points even if pass, more than 95 points, with a little Cong, writing drag, knowledge is a master progress, I asked what is the biggest harvest Cong? 

  Cong said before the study is not solid, really not solid! I also benefited a lot, I finally began to be forced to use geographic knowledge, or I was laughed at. Writing continue to progress, overall progress, not every word used alone is pondering, words can take place, the size is appropriate, not the kind of look for the reel right and left, and depends on the attitude, do not depend on the ability, but every word written in place is in need of long-term practice, practice, practice the horizontal and vertical structure basic. 

  Quick to write quickly, it does not look good, I say you first slow down, after writing, and then speed up. The school summer homework to continue, I only require good writing, good attitude, not the removal of individual Chinese title, the title does not rest, of course, the answer is already required by the teacher tore down, I said to write summer homework right when writing, some large, you need from slow to fast speed.





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