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日记400字 博物馆的英文日记

第一网小编3年前 (2022-09-17)优秀作文201



  With society developing fast, more and more museums become free of visiting .

  Some people think that to spread education we need to make museums visiting free, it will benefit both us citizens and our country. While other people have different perspectives , they tend to think a large number of visitors do great harm to arts in museums , making them be damaged faster .

  I suppose those who are seemingly protecting arts are making a excuse for who knows what. Because there are ways we could work the problem out , like stop crowds getting too close to the arts.

  It is well known that a museum is a building to display a collection of artistic, historical, cultural or military objects. Undoubtedly museums can have a variety of purposes in the city; I think two roles the museums play can illustrate they are worth visiting.


  During a long vacation, I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many museums. Such as the art museum, the history museum, the museum of natural history, and the museum of science and technology.

  Many wonderful things are cared for in museums. There are paintings, potteries, sculptures, costumes, swords, ancient animal bonesand plants, stuffed animals, antique steam locomotives, and many others. It is always a good review of history to visit those museums.


  The preparations and arrangements for museum visit.

  First we plan to gather at school at eight o'clock,and walk there.

  Second you should bring your notebook and pencils with you.

  Third you should listen carefully and write down what you think is interesting when you are in the museum.

  Fourth no shouting and photos in the museum.

  Fifth you are to hand up a piece of visit report next week.


  The British Museum was established in 1753, largely based on the collections of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The museum first opened to the public on 15 January 1759 in Montagu House in Bloomsbury, on the site of the current museum building. Its expansion over the following two and a half centuries has resulted in the creation of several branch institutions, the first being the British Museum (Natural History) in South Kensington in 1887. Until 20xx, when the British Library opened to the public, the British Museum was unique in that it housed both a national museum of antiquities and a national library in the same building. Its present chairman is Sir John Boyd and its director is Neil MacGregor.

  As with all other national museums and art galleries in Britain, the Museum charges no admission fee, although charges are levied for some temporary special exhibitions.





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