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英语教案 Cultural relics教案

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-06)教学教案130

period 6  assessmentthe general idea of this period:this period is to help the ss to elevate their acquisition about cultural relics protection and their ability of employing the expressions and grammar learned in this unit.teaching aims:1.elevate efficiently the students’ knowledge about cultural relics protection.2.elevate the ss ability of using the expressions and grammar learned.teaching important and difficult point:help the ss learn to assess whether their knowledge about this topic has increased.teaching methods:1.question-and-answer activity.2.pair work and group work to make the students work in class.teaching and learning aids:1.a multimedia.2.a blackboard.teaching procedures:step 1  greetingsstep 2 revisiont:so far we have finished this unit which is about...?ss:it’s about the cultural relics and how to protect the cultural relics that are in danger.t:in this unit we also learnt some drills about showing opinions,agreement and disagreement,do you still remember them?ss:...step 3 assessmentt:today we are going to see how hard you worked and how much more you know about cultural relics.非测试性评价a quiz about wildlife protection.tick the statements according to what you do or think.1.i can easily name ten cultural relics in china and ten cultural relics in other countries.2.i always try my best to protect the cultural relics i know.3.i have visited many cultural relics in china.4.i think everyone should do something for protecting the cultural relics we know.5.i believe the cultural relics in the world will be protected better and better.测试性评价ⅰ.complete each sentence with one word you have learnt in this unit,making some changes when necessary.1.the great wall is one of the w       of the world.2.when the police arrived,he had destroyed the e       of his guilt.3.have you seen the latest d       for the new library?4.her parents died in the accident,but she s      .5.i got a very friendly r       when i arrived there.6.there’s some d       whether john will come on time.7.my mother gave me this pen as a birthday g       last week.8.we’ll h       up some milk for the coffee.9.he went into his office and l       up a cigarette.10.she r       at home to look after the children when her husband went out to work.共4页,当前第1页1234





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