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英语教案 高一英语牛津英语模块1 Unit1学案

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-06)教学教案120

m1u1基础知识过关测试 period 12
1. i usually get up an hour later _______________ _______________(比平时).
2. going hiking must be ____________ _____________ _____________(激动人心的经历).
3. i don’t know the girl who is sitting ____________ ___________(旁边)me.
4. the best way _______ _________ __________ well(学好英语)is to practise it every day.
5. the ________ _________ (平均年龄)of the students in my class is 15.
6. _________ was hard __________ the children to go to school.(以前孩子们上学困难)
7. i think your english is __________(进步).
8. it’s no good spending too much time ___________ _________ ____________(上网).
9. in some countries children go to school _________ _________(免费).
10.i don’t think it right to _________(放弃) the subjects you’re not interested _________.
11.we often __________ (放松)ourselves by listening to music.
12.could you tell me __________ your school life _________ ___________(学校生活怎么样)?
13.the workers demanded an i______________ answer(立刻答复).
14.she didn’t pay any ____________ to _________ i said(注意我说的话).
15.to __________ high ____________ (取得好成绩)is not the only reason _______ we study.
16.to remember so many words in such a short time is really ____________ __________ me.
17.he e____________(赢得)his place in the team by training hard.
18.she is such a person __________ is hard _______ ___________(难以取悦).
19.after __________ __________(毕业)university, he once worked as a newspaper reporter.
20.___________ finishing his studies(一完成学业), he started traveling in china.
21.it is urgent that we __________ food and clothing __________ the sufferers(捐赠).
22.i asked the headmaster if music could be played during break time and he ____________(批准)the idea.
23.the school radio often play the songs ___________ __________ _________(学生唱的).
24.this is the most interesting book that i ____________ __________(读过的).
25.i ____________ to _______(遗憾地通知)you that the sports meeting will have to be put off
because of the rain.
26.i am happy __________ my new dress, because it is not only ___________(时尚)but also inexpensive.
27.all students are r_____________ (要求)to attend school assembly ________ monday mornings.
28.how we look is not ______ important as _________ we learn at school.
29.some of us prefer(喜欢)staying in the classroom ___________(不喜欢) doing sports.共8页,当前第1页12345678





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