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英语教案 2022年九年级上英语 unit 4 section A-1(人教新目标)

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-06)教学教案160

unit 4 section a-1  class typelistening, reading and speakingobjectives1.     to learn to describe people.2.     to know about what bob’s friends used to look like.3.     to practice talking about the conversation by listening.

key structure1.     did mario use to be short?—   yes, he did.2.     what’s he like now?—   he’s tall now.difficultieshow to describe the expression of what people look like by using “used to”.vocabularyhumorous, silent, helpful, scorefrom time to time, get scores


procedurelead-infree talk.let ss think and talk about the question “how do we describe people”?step 1show ss some vivid pictures and then ask ss to fill in a chart with words to describe people.step 2list ss a picture of the looks of people with accordingly words. step 3free talk.show ss some pictures about ss’ favorite people, and then ask ss to describe what these people used to be like. step 4activity.choose the correct answers to complete these sentences.step 5activity 1b.listen and to complete the sentences of what bob’s friends used to look like with what you hear.step 6pair works.show ss some comparing pictures of some famous stars and ask ss to make conversations with the sentence structures in 1c.step 7activity 2a.listen and check the words you hear.step 8activity 2b.listen again and complete the chart about how paula has changed.step 9pair works. let ss make conversations about yourself or other people used to look like using the information in 2b.e.g.:a: i used to be really quiet.b: i know. now you’re very outgoing.step 10activity 2d.read the role-play conversation and answer the questions.step 11pair works.let ss make role-play conversations using the information in 2d.step 12language points: explain the key words and phrases in section a-1.step 13more exercises about language points.





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