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英语教案 2022年九年级上英语unit 4 section B-2(人教新目标)

第一网小编2年前 (2022-09-06)教学教案127

unit 4 section b-2   

class typereading and writing

objectives1.     to understand the passage about the student li wen.2.     to complete and better understand the retelling of the passage.3.     to introduce to your classmates about the changes about yourself from past to now.

key structure1.     he studies harder than he used to.2.     they’re always proud of me.3.     my life has changed a lot in the last few years.

difficultieshow to understand the changes and the expression of “used to” and “now”.

vocabularyseldom, influence, absent, fail, examination, exactly, pride, proud, general, introductionin person, take pride in, be proud of


procedurelead-inenjoy a flash to have fun.step 1free talk. show ss some pictures about playing and ask ss to tell the whole class what things they used to like doing when being a child by using the sentence structure “when i was a child, i used to ...”.step 2revision.ask ss about the problems they want to tell in front of the whole class.step 3activity 2a.look at the pictures and think about the problems li wen might have.step 4activity 2b.read the passage quickly and underline the problems that li wen used to have.step 5activity 2c-1.let ss read the passage again and put the sentences into the correct places.step 6activity 2c-2.read the passage again and find the clues to match the words or phrases with correct meanings.step 7activity 2c-3.read the meanings of the words in activity 2c-2, and then make sentences with each word or phrase.step 8read and answer the questions according to the passage.step 9activity 2e.complete the passage with proper forms of the words and phrases in the box in page 31.step 10free talk.let ss supposed to be going to start a club to help students who are not interested in school work. think of two activities you can do with them, and discuss the reasons why it might help them.step 11discussion.let ss think about the situation that they have different opinions with their parents and then talk about how they do to deal with that.step 12enjoy a song: you raise me up.step 13writing.ask ss to write about how their life has changed since primary school by using the language in this unit.step 14language points: explain the key words and phrases in section b-2.step 15more exercises about the language points.step 16writing.write a passage in about 100 words with the help of the following points about changes of zhanghua’s life. the first sentence has been given.共2页,当前第1页12





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